Nature Feeds Creativity

Nature Feeds Creativity
It’s a beautiful almost summer morning in June and I have spent much of the morning outside.  Watering my garden (first time gardener…. It is certainly interesting…), Reading my book on my patio and then a walk.  Although I love to take pictures of nature when I walk.  And share with my friends how great it is to get out in nature I realized that I often get caught up in showing everyone else how great it is that I am not fully in the moment just for me.  So, I decided to leave my phone at home.  This walk will be only for me and me alone.
Well only a few minutes into my walk part of me was wishing I had my phone with me.  I was enjoying all the sites and sounds and thought how great it was to share it.  Then… about 10 minutes in the sparks of creativity started.  I had all of these ideas for blogs, for ways to share with others, for services to add to my business, for things to do around the house.  I had nothing to record or write them down on and I know how my brain works… fingers crossed that I could remember them when I got back home.    
I actually thought about turning around so I could document it all but then I realized something.  There is a reason I feel so creative right now.  I am outside in nature, I am spending time with Me and only Me enjoying this nature, no chores being done, no one to be held accountable to, zero technology with me (other than my super old fitbit so I know how long I walked and what time it was…).  It is this disconnection that was allowing me to fully connect with the energy around me.  And this energy was feeding my creativity at a deeper soul level.
And guess what?  I remembered what came to me on the walk, even 45 minutes & 4 miles later!  So the morale of this story is I must do this more!!!  I must disconnect from tech and connect with myself, nature & the amazing energy we create together!
What sparks your creativity?  Do that more….
Check out the video when I chat a bit about this
And if you are looking for more inspiration in a like minded high vibin community join us

Easter with Myself

Easter with Myself
Five or six years ago I would not have foreseen the contentment and happiness I feel in this moment on Easter as I sit here alone with no kids.  For so long I lived for these days that I could shower my kids with gives and celebrate the holiday with them.  
When I first got divorced I was devastated at the thought of not spending every moment with them.  The mere thought of being alone on a holiday had me so anxious.  I felt lost without them.  I identified so much with being their mom and providing fun, memorable holidays.  I didn’t feel worthy unless I was doing something for them.  I felt lost, sad, incomplete….  It wasn’t just a day to me back then, even though it’s truly just a day…
Now, fast forward, I enjoy the day of the holiday if I have the kids with me or not, if I spend time with others or not. I am completely content spending the day with myself.  In fact, I am blessed.  I am amazing company.
The day of the holiday is truly just a day.  We still celebrate just a little differently than in years past and that is OK.  In fact, it’s more than ok.  We are more intentional with our time and energy around the holiday and do what works best for us, not what conforms to what others think we should do.
This Easter we did an egg hunt the day before and then woke up this morning and did our baskets.  I then dropped them at their dad’s house and I went to the beach alone and it’s been amazing.
We made some awesome memories and it was a great reminder that my worth and my relationship with my kids does not depend on the picture perfect holiday we have.  (because that picture perfect holiday does not exist… it is a façade)   The best holiday for us is the one that fits our lifestyle and helps us to connect and feel amazing.
The more I love me, the better every holiday is and truly the better every day is!
This mindset took years of healing, lots of repeating affirmations to myself, reminders of how worthy I am even when I don’t feel it, lots of work and it’s been so worth all of the work to get here to this place of peace.
Are you thinking “How I the world does she feel this content being alone on the holiday?”  or  “The holidays are so overwhelming… how can I find peace like this?”  
I am here to help you!   
Check out my course “High Vibe Holidays” and start taking control of your holidays to find more peace.

Something is wrong with me....

Something is wrong with me....

That’s what I thought for so long. For years people would tell me I am too emotional, that I cry too much. And you know what? It made me feel that something was wrong with me. I am too emotional, too sensitive, not strong enough, so weird. I cry at every movie that even remotely shows something tough for a child or an animal. I get overwhelmed when I am around certain people and sometimes also when in crowds. The news completely depresses me. I feel all sorts of feelings and I don’t even know why. What is wrong with me?!?


Have you felt this way too?


Well, let me tell you something… there is NOTHING wrong with YOU!!!! You are amazing just as you are. One word may be able to explain all of this … EMPATH. 


Empath is defined by Cambridge Dictionary as “a person who has an unusually strong ability to feel other people’s emotional or mental states”. It comes from the word empathy which is when you understand and can identify with other people’s experiences, thoughts and feelings. Having empathy for someone is such an amazing way to connect and support them. It helps you to understand where they are coming from without taking the experiences or feelings on yourself.


Being an Empath actually takes things a little further where they feels others experiences and emotions and actually take them on as their own. If you are an Empath and you witness someone’s joy or pain, their joy or pain becomes your joy or pain.


When I learned what an Empath was a lightbulb went off. That was describing me!! Maybe something is not wrong with me? Maybe this is a good thing? ….


And you know what?! It is!!!!  It’s amazing now that I know what an Empath is and can take the steps to protect my energy so outside energies do not overwhelm me!  


Empaths are Healers. Nurturers. Amazing Mamas. Sensitive Creative Souls.


Are YOU an Empath?


First things first, ask yourself, are those experiences and feelings (positive or lower vibe) you feel really yours? Can you relate those feelings to something that is related to your personal experience? Or someone or something else’s? Are those feelings you are feeling backed by something that happened OR is it coming out of what seems like nowhere?


If they are truly your feelings then you may not actually be an Empath but just going through a very emotional time. 


If those feelings are definitely not yours then you most likely are an Empath.


Here are 9 signs that you are an Empath:


1. You are highly sensitive & attuned to others emotions and tend to take them on as your own (good & bad). You often listen to people’s energy not their words. 

2. You are naturally giving, understanding and a great listener. You “get” people. People always come to you for advice.  Huge Heart. You feel drawn to help everyone and can give “too much” at times.

3. You get overwhelmed in crowds or by certain spaces or energies. The vibe of a room matters.

4. You are drained by negative people that you may feel physically exhausted. 

5. You are highly intuitive and your “gut” is really accurate. You may even feel things before they happen.

6. You are a target for energy vampires. You have a hard time setting boundaries.

7. You are drawn to nature. Nature nourishes & restores your energy. The weather effects your mood. 

8. You have highly attuned senses (too much noise, smells…) 

9. Seeing tragic events on TV or social media can stop you in your tracks.


To learn more about what it’s like to be an Empath, how to harness this amazing gift and protect your energy, join me in myFacebook community and check out the “Life as an Empath” series in the units section!


I shared a little bit about this also one of my #WellnessWednesday, check it out!

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