Holiday memories from childhood

Holiday memories from childhood
My mom got up super early to get the turkey in the oven and get started on Great Nana’s famous dinner rolls. The rolls had to rise twice in order to be the best they could be.  It required a lot of patience. There was just something about them though. If they were rushed it was just not the same. My dad, brothers and I kept an eye out for the first batch of rolls coming out of the oven so we could taste test. Those were the days….


Stop Shoulding & Shine

Stop Shoulding & Shine
School starts next week and there are all these things I should be doing.   But guess what?  I am putting them aside to do what lights me up.  


My kids were the catalyst...

My kids were the catalyst...
My kids are the reason I quit my corporate job three years ago and jumped into entrepreneurship.   I had a stable job with lots of benefits, had been working there over eleven years, and I knew that the life of an entrepreneur is far from financially stable. But there was something missing for me…
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