Reiki 1 Certification
In Reiki I, the student is attuned to Reiki healing energy in order to use with themselves, family members, plants & animals.  Class will begin with simple meditation technique to prepare for the attunement.  When the student is ready, there is a transfer of energy that opens them up to the Universal energy called Reiki.  Once the transfer takes place, the student will then become a facilitator for channeling the healing energy.
Class will cover hand positions for a treatment on others as well as self treatment and Reiki Boost.  We will review the chakra system, visualization, how to protect ones energy and sweep the auras.  There will be an introduction to the history of Reiki, Reiki precepts, principles & ethics. Students will practice on one another, both receiving and giving Reiki.  
Every class is customized to the individual needs of the student(s). Students will leave class with a certificate and capability to perform Reiki on themselves and others.  This attunement starts the twenty-one day cleansing cycle of the seven major chakras.  

Once you register you will be brought to the payment link.  I will then follow up with you to confirm details and be sure this class is the best fit for you.
