Going back to Middle School

Going back to Middle School
I always said you could not pay me enough to go back to middle school. Now, over 30 years later, I am eating those words. This mama has gone back to middle school and getting paid, not nearly enough, to do it. 

And it is eye opening!


4 Reasons the Beach is My Place

4 Reasons the Beach is My Place
Do you have a place?   A place you feel so at peace that you never want to leave?  A place that grounds you like no other?  A place that brings a smile to your face when you think of it?  A place that you can so easily tap into when you are having a day?  A place you will go to when you just need a little “me” time?
That place for me is the Beach.
After a trip to the beach I feel calm, connected, creative.  There is just something about it for me.  No matter the season…  There may be less visits in the winter but as long as it’s not snowing I will drive the coast and if I am able to park I will totally stop and take in the ocean air.
Why the Beach?
#1 Relaxing Sounds
There is a reason ocean waves are on those noise machines people use to sleep at night.  I could literally sit all day with my feet in the sand listening to the crashing sounds of the waves as they reach the shore.  This sound is so calming to me.  Everything else gets tuned out…even those mothers yelling at their children to stop throwing sand at each other…  I often will record this to use to meditate to at home as it brings me right back to the place where I feel most relaxed.
#2  Grounding Energy
Putting your feet in the sand is truly a thing.  Whether it is the warmth of the fine sand surrounding the bottoms of your feet or the cooler more firm sand as you walk closer to the water.  The sand has an astounding way of quickly connecting us with the earth and the energy around us.
Oh and let’s not forget about the Sun… feeling the warmth as it shines down on me.  I love how it feels… there is something about it’s energy.  And of course a little vitamin D never hurts!
#3  The Memories
I grew up & also currently live only about an hour or so from the ocean.  (the mountains are not far either… I am so lucky!)  Though it was so close, we had a pool and we had family with a lake house so ocean beach trips were super special.  We would spend the whole day riding the waves, building sand castles, eating fruit and burying ourselves in the sand.  It was not about the grounding energy or relaxation, it was about the FUN!  And as I get older I love the beach more and more.
I am so grateful now that my kiddos love the beach just as much as I do.  It’s the one thing my kiddos will get up early for without any complaints!  We get up bright & early, get our bathing suits on, pack up and go “road trippin” as my son will say.   We get there early for a good spot and will spend as much time as possible there.  So many amazing memories for us from searching for seashells, to climbing the rocks to finding crabs and other creatures.  They even get me in the frigid water body surfing… it’s like I am a kid again.
My hope is that they will fondly remember the beach from their childhood and continue to love it with their kids and grandkids!
#4  Healing Vibes
Salt Water, Salty Air, the waves, the grounding energy, the relaxation, quality time with my kids living in the moment, and even time for myself reading and writing.   The beach is a form of self care and healing for me.  From the natural elements that help our body to the connection with myself, my kids & all of the nature around us to the disconnection from technology the beach is healing for my mind, body & soul.
What is your place?
I would not be surprised if you say the beach too… I tend to attract other beach loving people too.  There is an energy connecting us…
Looking to connect with like-minded high vibe mamas like yourself?  Join my community https://www.facebook.com/groups/momsrewritingourstory

Easter with Myself

Easter with Myself
Five or six years ago I would not have foreseen the contentment and happiness I feel in this moment on Easter as I sit here alone with no kids.  For so long I lived for these days that I could shower my kids with gives and celebrate the holiday with them.  
When I first got divorced I was devastated at the thought of not spending every moment with them.  The mere thought of being alone on a holiday had me so anxious.  I felt lost without them.  I identified so much with being their mom and providing fun, memorable holidays.  I didn’t feel worthy unless I was doing something for them.  I felt lost, sad, incomplete….  It wasn’t just a day to me back then, even though it’s truly just a day…
Now, fast forward, I enjoy the day of the holiday if I have the kids with me or not, if I spend time with others or not. I am completely content spending the day with myself.  In fact, I am blessed.  I am amazing company.
The day of the holiday is truly just a day.  We still celebrate just a little differently than in years past and that is OK.  In fact, it’s more than ok.  We are more intentional with our time and energy around the holiday and do what works best for us, not what conforms to what others think we should do.
This Easter we did an egg hunt the day before and then woke up this morning and did our baskets.  I then dropped them at their dad’s house and I went to the beach alone and it’s been amazing.
We made some awesome memories and it was a great reminder that my worth and my relationship with my kids does not depend on the picture perfect holiday we have.  (because that picture perfect holiday does not exist… it is a façade)   The best holiday for us is the one that fits our lifestyle and helps us to connect and feel amazing.
The more I love me, the better every holiday is and truly the better every day is!
This mindset took years of healing, lots of repeating affirmations to myself, reminders of how worthy I am even when I don’t feel it, lots of work and it’s been so worth all of the work to get here to this place of peace.
Are you thinking “How I the world does she feel this content being alone on the holiday?”  or  “The holidays are so overwhelming… how can I find peace like this?”  
I am here to help you!   
Check out my course “High Vibe Holidays” and start taking control of your holidays to find more peace.     https://jillcoletti.com/page/high-vibe-holidays