It's not easy to balance nourishing your soul with caring for your family, is it?  I feel you!  If you are searching for a way to achieve more balance, 

Learn from the experiences & tools I share from my life's journey in the amazing reiki infused emails I send including a fun newsletter to start the month with love, intention, inspiration & joy.

A bit about Jill: High Vibin' & Always Evolving Spiritual Mama


I felt stuck and so lost.  I didn't even know who I was anymore. Divorce, co-parenting 2 very busy kids, working full time, taking care of the dog, the house, etc.  I felt exhausted and unfulfilled.  And not to mention guilty....  

Something was definitely missing but I did not know what it was and was overwhelmed just thinking about it. I was living in Groundhog Day and I didn't know how to get out.
One day, I finally just had enough. I can not tell you what day it was... it was probably really weeks or even months, but I finally started stepping out of my comfort zone. I tried new things and eventually found a community.  

AND, dare I say it.....  I started focusing on myself - mind, body and soul!

And this simple, but definitely not easy, practice of putting myself first (while always keeping my kiddos in mind of course) changed the entire trajectory of my life.  

After years of struggling with who I was, I found myself again through self-care, intentional living and daily spiritual practices. I even started trusting my intuition again. And that's when life got interesting. 

I said Goodbye to Groundhog day and Hello to my very own Eat Pray Love story. I started exploring my spirituality, learning Reiki, sound healing, closing of the bones, I wrote in multiple books, I garden now and even make sourdough bread from my own sourdough started. And most of all I started feeling so much more love everywhere. 

Then a diagnosis hit after my first routine colonoscopy which led to lots of anxiety, so many appointments, a surgery and ultimately quite the wake up call.

And it made me realize that as much as I was trying to convince myself that I was taking care of myself as much as I could and I was putting myself first. I was NOT!  

I truly know now that in order to not only be the best mom (friend, community member, person, etc.) I could be but also to actually live, I had to not only put myself first (not just say I was...) and LOVE myself, truly, madly, deeply!

It is a process and a practice. I am working to take back my power back, focus on loving myself first and making the next right choice for me each day. I consciously choose to raise my vibrational frequency (even if it's not easy) and continue to remind myself that taking care of myself truly is the best gift I can give to my children and the world around me. Life is a practice, we are not meant to be perfect or know all the answers. 

I read in a book once to live the question rather than try to find the right answer and I have been trying to live by that since. To be curious. Moment by moment - Healing, Exploring, Loving, Finding fulfillment in the Every day.  

I am an evolving mama on a mission to live my best life full of love and joy with my family. To continue to embrace my healing, to tune into my frequency & raise my vibe and to share love and positively impact my community.

And I hope that I can inspire you to put yourself first and embrace your evolving mama story too. 

Our energy impacts everyone and everything around us. So we raise our vibe, we truly to help the world. The ripple effect of our energetic vibration is endless.  

Let's raise our vibe together!

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Copyright Jill Coletti